The Guitar Blog

Shopping For Your First Guitar

I’ve been teaching and in music sales for nearly 20 years. One of the biggest questions I’ve gotten is “What kind of guitar should I start on out. Acoustic? Electric? Brand? Style?” etc.

My answer is always that you need to start on the instrument you want to end up playing. The instrument you imagine yourself playing. If you aspire to play electric start on an electric. If you aspire to play acoustic choose that.

Tips For Strumming And Switching Chords At The Same Time.

You can play chords,. You can strum. But doing both at the same time isn’t quite working!

Often I see students at this stage stop or slow their strumming, losing rhythm, when they make the chord change.

This is what I call an “awkward” stage of playing.

The way to overcome this is right and left hand independence. In other words your right hand does one thing while your left hand does another. Kind of like that old coordination trick where you try to pat your head and rubbing your tummy at the same time.

Heres an exercise to help you practice independence of your hands. I call it “Strum no matter what.”